
Showing posts from March, 2019
Project 4 - Billboard For project 4 we are working with a billboard format.  Our topics we were to choose from were organizations that the Tulsa Zoo works with.  They are: (A) Asian Elephant Conservation, (B) The Scarlet Macaw Recovery Program, (C) International Rhino Foundation, (D) Monarch Butterfly Watch Program, (E) Vaquita Conservation, (F) Mabula Ground Hornbill Project. After looking at each of these different programs, I've chosen the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project as my Billboard Theme. Estimated 1500 Ground Hornbills are left in South Africa.  417 Breeding groups in the whole of South Africa.  The reason for their decline is predominantly loss of habitat to croplands, bush-encroachment, overgrazing and plantations, loss of nesting trees, secondary poisoning & electroction. Cooperatively breeding groups of 2-12 Ground Hornbills.  With one alpha male and one breeding female, the others are there to help raise. Only one chick is raised to adul...