
Matt Nish-Lapidus - Art Directors Club of Tulsa

Matt Nish-Lapidus came and spoke with the Art Directors Club of Tulsa on April 11, 2019 at the Living Arts Gallery. Matt  is an independent designer, artist, and musician who is based in Toronto, Canada. He currently teaches  interaction design and data visualization at the Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design (CIID), is lead curator for the digiPlaySpace exhibition at the Toronto International Film Festival, and works on collaborative projects in the areas of software, data visualization, installation, and audio. Matt spoke about some of the projects he has worked on in the past including some of his installation projects.  Matt has been focusing on the challenges of living in a networked world.  He has used his audio installations to get people to think about the world around us.  I thought it was interesting as he spoke of one of his installations that worked with "Sound and Light" in a room.  People would come into the room and it was sou...
Project 5 - Package Design The assignment is to come up with both a "Brand Name" and a "Package Design" for an existing company that is located in Claremore, OK.  Their current product line is Sausage Rolls, Muffins and Cookies.  The Sausage Rolls already have a "Brand Name" and a "Package Design" but they are wanting to create a new "Brand Name" and "Package Design" for their Muffins and Cookies.  With future plans of putting their Muffins and Cookies in both vending machines and at convenience stores in the local area. They are looking for something that has a bit of nostalgia. Cookie Wordlist Crumble Warm Moist Chewy/Crispy *Delicious Home baked *Oven(fresh) Make Aroma Family holidays Recipe Dough/batter Comfort Package Crispy Moist Cookie dough Santa Milk Rolling pin Cookie cutter Wooden spoon Baking sheet/cookie sheet Process Bakery Baker Bake Fluffy Mixer/...
Blog Post - Visual Cues + Theories Movement This graphic design “Show me the light” from incorporates light in order to show movement. Depth This graphic design "Arizona" from shows depth with the colors and design that is used. Repeated Forms This graphic design on the "Heart Pillow" Cushion Cover is using a Repeated Form to create a sense of movement. Habituation This graphic design is a cute design showing the word "Habituation" and Learned Behaviors. Continuation This graphic design is an example of Continuation with no clear outline but the "book" is recognizable through alignment of objects. Proximity This graphic design is an example from is a graphic presentation of Proximity where the circles on the right look more like they are a part of a group and not as scattered.
Project 4 - Billboard For project 4 we are working with a billboard format.  Our topics we were to choose from were organizations that the Tulsa Zoo works with.  They are: (A) Asian Elephant Conservation, (B) The Scarlet Macaw Recovery Program, (C) International Rhino Foundation, (D) Monarch Butterfly Watch Program, (E) Vaquita Conservation, (F) Mabula Ground Hornbill Project. After looking at each of these different programs, I've chosen the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project as my Billboard Theme. Estimated 1500 Ground Hornbills are left in South Africa.  417 Breeding groups in the whole of South Africa.  The reason for their decline is predominantly loss of habitat to croplands, bush-encroachment, overgrazing and plantations, loss of nesting trees, secondary poisoning & electroction. Cooperatively breeding groups of 2-12 Ground Hornbills.  With one alpha male and one breeding female, the others are there to help raise. Only one chick is raised to adul...